Singura carte care nu mă plictisește niciodată, pe care o pot citi începând cu orice pagină, din care aș putea cita infinit, pe care atunci când intru în ea nu mă pot opri să o citesc, pe care o pot reciti infinit, care mă fascinează, mă face să îmi reamintesc că literatura valorează ceva ș.a.m.d.
"I don’t get indignant, because indignation is for the strong; I’m not resigned, because resignation is for the noble; I don’t hold my peace, because silence is for the great. And I’m neither strong, nor noble, nor great. I suffer and I dream. I complain because I’m weak. And since I’m an artist, I amuse myself by making my complaints musical and by arranging my dreams according to my idea of what makes them beautiful."
”Sometimes, when I wake up at night, I feel invisible hands weaving my destiny.”
The book of disquiet, Pessoa
"I don’t get indignant, because indignation is for the strong; I’m not resigned, because resignation is for the noble; I don’t hold my peace, because silence is for the great. And I’m neither strong, nor noble, nor great. I suffer and I dream. I complain because I’m weak. And since I’m an artist, I amuse myself by making my complaints musical and by arranging my dreams according to my idea of what makes them beautiful."
”Sometimes, when I wake up at night, I feel invisible hands weaving my destiny.”
The book of disquiet, Pessoa
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